Suffering From Scoliosis

Do you find yourself suffering from scoliosis? Is it worsening over time? Perhaps your child was just diagnosed with scoliosis and you are starting to research scoliosis treatment Thousand Oaks and not sure where to turn. Living with and treating scoliosis can be an overwhelming idea, especially until you find a treatment path that feels right for you. Dr. Richey is a certified ScoliBrace provider and has countless years of experience in treating scoliosis patients including his own daughter. 

First let’s discuss what scoliosis is exactly? Scoliosis is when there is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine. As this curvature increases it can cause difficulty breathing and even reduce lung capacity. A few ways you may begin to notice you have scoliosis include: 

  • Your Clothes Hang Lopsided

  • One Shoulder Blade Appears Higher

  • Your Hips Are Uneven

  • You Experience Chronic Back Pain

If you are having any of the above symptoms it is highly suggested that you seek professional help. A well-trained chiropractor like Dr. Richey can provide you with accurate x-rays to help diagnose your issues and formulate a strategic plan to get you on the track to wellness. As you begin to embark on this journey you might initially feel concerned there will be surgery involved and feel there is little light at the end of the tunnel. Before ever moving forward with a surgery we highly recommend consulting with a chiropractor with specialized scoliosis training as they can offer you non-invasive treatment plans that will decrease the pressure on your nervous system and help strengthen your body’s core. You will be shocked and delighted by the results that these techniques can bring. 

If you have been searching for scoliosis treatment Thousand Oaks you have come to the right place. We offer affordable entry-level plans for new patients to help be able to diagnose you properly and then devise a customized treatment plan that will work for you.
